There will be six concurrent breakout sessions on Day 2 of the assembly. The link to register for your selection was emailed to you. Here are the descriptions:
Cross-disciplinary and collaborative science Cross disciplinary science or convergence integrates knowledge and tools across STEM fields and beyond, representing a culture shift for academic organizations that are more traditionally organized around discipline-based departments. Collaborative science is frequently needed to solve complex problems, yet fostering these collaborations is non-trivial. Possible breakout discussion topics include your experiences overcoming institutional and cultural barriers to cross-disciplinary collaborations, how to curate and foster collaborations (including whether and how Kavli Institutes can play a role), and the challenges and benefits of virtual communication platforms.
Core Facilities A number of Kavli Institutes support core facilities, including funding for on-campus design and fabrication facilities, maker spaces, shared microscopy and instrumentation suites. Topics for discussion could include financial support models, role of core facility in supporting the institute mission, and sharing of best practices. If you do not have sustainable core facilities (but need them), we can also discuss how Kavli can potentially help you establish them.
Kavli Institute Community Building The Kavli Institutes individually are advancing fundamental research through innovative programs, institute initiatives, fellowships, and other types of support and sponsorship. To help build our Kavli Institute Community and foster inter-Kavli institute interactions and sharing of best practices, this session will brainstorm ideas for how to build community virtually. Other topics could include online community building platforms, Kavli Institute newsletter, and what you would like to learn and share with one another.
Public Engagement with Science
This session will explore the opportunities and challenges in creating and running engagement programs at your institute. Possible topics for brainstorming and discussion include how to support students and early career faculty in developing effective communication and engagement skills, financial sustainability of engagement programs, and possible shared initiatives across institutes.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
This session will invite participants to share their experiences working toward the creation of a more diverse and inclusive STEM environment. Potential discussion topics include raising awareness in the academic community about DEI, review of existing campus or institute diversity initiatives, sharing available resources, outreach activities with K-12/undergrads, and other innovative approaches to promoting and fostering diversity.
Mitigating the impact of COVID-19
Institutional concerns and mitigation efforts in response to COVID-19 are continuously evolving. Share with other participants about how your institutes and universities are responding. Topics for discussion could include: hiring at all levels, support for early-career scientists, virtual programming (e.g., seminars, colloquia, group meetings, workshops, outreach), changes to how research and training is carried out (e.g., curricula, lab protocols, travel to facilities) and future outlook.