Kavli Institute for Neuroscience

Pietro De Camilli, Director
Marina Picciotto, Deputy Director
Candace Bichsel Tebbenkamp, Managing Director

History and Mission:
The goal of the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience (KIN) at Yale University, established in 2003, is to elucidate nervous system development and function. Ultimately, KIN seeks to understand how synaptic circuits form, embody knowledge of the outside world, and combine that knowledge with past experience and future goals to generate behavior. To address these questions, KIN investigators develop and apply novel approaches and state-of-the-art methodologies to the study of neural cells and systems to advance our understanding of the human brain and of its dysfunction in disease. A multidisciplinary research strategy, ranging from genetics and cell biology to behavior, is used to explore the development, maintenance, and operation of the circuits underlying diverse neural operations – from perception, to memory, decision, and action.

KIN promotes interdisciplinary neuroscience research and collaborations, leveraging the skills and expertise of Yale’s scientists spanning departments, including neuroscience, cell biology, genetics, molecular biophysics and biochemistry, and psychiatry. To meet these goals, we support a variety of initiatives to fund (grants and fellowships), facilitate (core research services), and disseminate (lectures and workshops) innovative neuroscience research.

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