Hirosi Ooguri, Director
Hiroaki Aihara, Deputy Director
Misao Sasaki, Deputy Director
Tomiyoshi Haruyama, Deputy Director
History and Mission:
The Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) brings together a wide range of researchers – from pure mathematicians and string theorists to experimental particle physicists and observational astronomers – in a truly multi-disciplinary and collaborative environment. These different approaches are used for seeking answers to some of the most profound problems in cosmology. Kavli IPMU is truly a world class institution, and more than half of its members are international. Kavli IPMU is also a leader at the University of Tokyo, introducing system reforms to become more competitive than have become part of the University-wide system.
Prior to becoming a Kavli Institute in 2012, Kavli IPMU began in 2007 as one of five World Premier International Research Centers established by the Japanese government. Kavli IPMU continues to be supported by three partners: the Japanese Government, the University of Tokyo and The Kavli Foundation. Kavli IPMU has strong partnerships around the world, including a joint Postdoctoral Fellowship program with the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) in Beijing and an annual Berkeley Week at Kavli IPMU symposium that brings together students and post-docs from Berkeley and the University of Tokyo to expand their scientific and cultural horizons.
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